9 Gordon St Avalon Lower Hutt 5011, Wellington Region 5011, New Zealand
Best in TV Installation and Repair , Hookups , Maintenance , Tuning , Repairs , Plasma , Monitors
Areas serviced: Avalon, Lower Hutt City, Lower Hutt City
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Contact us nowWellington Region New Zealand
0800 427 .... , 0800 427 .... , 04389....
Best in Plumbers , Gas Hookups , Gasfitting , Gas Piping , Refitting , Hot Water Cylinders , Water Pumps
Areas serviced: Johnsonville, Newlands, Khandallah, Ngaio
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Halswater Dve Churton Park, Wellington Region New Zealand
027 443 .... , 027 443 .... , 04 478 ....
Best in Plumbers , Kitchens , Bathrooms , Basements , Water Pipes , Pumps , Filters , Faucets , Drain Snakes
Areas serviced: GREATER WELLINGTON AREA, Kelburn, Miramar, Seatoun
Closed now Check Opening Hours
Wellington, Wellington Region New Zealand
0800 427.... , 0800427.... , 027 441 ....
Best in Gasfitters , General Business , Plumbers , En Suite Bathrooms , Environmentally Friendly
Areas serviced: Johnsonville, Wellington City
Open now Check Opening Hours