Queen Street, Waiuku 2123, Auckland New Zealand
Best in Motels and Lodges , Breakfast , Non-smoking , Laundry Facilities , 2 Bedroom , Washing Machines
Areas serviced: Waiuku, Waiuku Area
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Contact us nowKitchener Road, Waiuku 2123, Auckland New Zealand
Best in Motels and Lodges , Beach , Decks , Spas , Kitchens , Internet Access , DVD Players , Fans
Areas serviced: Waiuku, Waiuku Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
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Kitchener Road, Waiuku 2123, Auckland New Zealand
Best in Motels and Lodges , 3 Star , Wireless , Kitchens , Bathrooms , Laundry Facilities , 2 Bedroom
Areas serviced: Waiuku Area
Open now Check Opening Hours