20 Kotare St Waikanae Beach Kapiti, Wellington Region New Zealand
Best in Function and Party Planning , Event Planning , Catering , Bars , Commercial , Wedding Receptions
Areas serviced: Waikanae Beach, Kapiti
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Contact us nowJudge Street, Auckland 1052, New Zealand
Best in Event Management , Chefs , Weddings , Theme Parties , Receptions , Dinner Parties , Corporate Events
Areas serviced: Waikanae, Kapiti, Paraparaumu, Levin
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Omahi Street, Paraparaumu 5036, Wellington New Zealand
Best in Caterers , Brunch , Breakfast , Lunch , Dinner , Commercial , Banquets , Cocktail Parties
Areas serviced: Waikanae, Kapiti
Closed now Check Opening Hours
Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
0800 764.... , 080076.... , 04473....
Best in Cafes , Caterers , Party Planning , Entertainment , Cafeterias , Online Information , Brunch
Areas serviced: Paraparaumu, Kapiti Coast, Tawa, Upper Hutt
Closed now Check Opening Hours
Kotare Street, Paraparaumu 5036, Wellington New Zealand
Best in Caterers , Brunch , Dinner , Breakfast , Lunch , Commercial , Birthdays , Anniversaries , Cocktail Parties
Areas serviced: Waikanae, Kapiti
Closed now Check Opening Hours
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Contact us nowSprings Road, Auckland 2013, New Zealand
Best in Caterers , Dinner , Breakfast , Lunch , Party Platters , Private Dining Room , Wedding Receptions
Areas serviced: Tawa, Waikanae, Porirua Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt
Closed now Check Opening Hours
Ngapaki Street, Paraparaumu 5036, Wellington New Zealand
04 902 .... , 027 520 .... , 04902....
Best in Caterers , Consulting , Brunch , Breakfast , Carts , Buffet , Corporate Events , Conventions
Areas serviced: Waikanae, Kapiti
Closed now Check Opening Hours
Pickering Street, Wellington 6035, New Zealand
Best in Caterers , Dinner , Brunch , Breakfast , Buffet , Family Functions , Engagements , Corporate Events
Areas serviced: Paraparaumu, Pukerua Bay, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt
Open now Check Opening Hours