Koromiko St Judea Tauranga 3110, Tauranga 3146, New Zealand
Best in Plumbing Supplies , Plumbing , Pumps , Sinks , Bath Fixtures , Toilets , Bathtubs , Pipe Fittings
Areas serviced: Tauranga South, Tauranga Area
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Contact us now5 Maleme St Greerton Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty New Zealand
Best in Drainage Supplies , Pipes , Plumbing Supplies , Pipe Fittings , Bathtubs , Bidets , Pumps
Areas serviced: Greerton, Tauranga Area
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75C Newton St Mt Maunganui Tauranga 3116, Bay Of Plenty 3116, New Zealand
Best in Plumbing Supplies , Plumbing , Pipe Fittings , Bathtubs , Bidets , Pumps , Faucets , Bath Fixtures
Areas serviced: Mount Maunganui, Mount Maunganui
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32 Christopher St Tauranga 3112, Bay Of Plenty 3112, New Zealand
Best in Plumbing Supplies , Plumbing , Pipe Fittings , Bathtubs , Bidets , Pumps , Faucets , Bath Fixtures
Areas serviced: Tauranga Area
Closed now Check Opening Hours