25B Austin St Onekawa Napier 4110, Hawkes Bay 4110, New Zealand
Best in Upholstery and Supplies , Restoration , Recovering , Repairs , Nylon , Wool , Sewing Supplies
Areas serviced: Onekawa, Napier Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
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Contact us now10 Miller St Dannevirke 4930, Hawkes Bay 4930, New Zealand
Best in Upholstery and Supplies , Repairs , Sewing Supplies , Glue , Foam , Clothing , Batting , Accessories
Areas serviced: Dannevirke, Dannevirke Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
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7/9 Delhi St Wairoa, Hawkes Bay New Zealand
06 838 .... , 0800 282.... , 027234....
Best in Upholstery and Supplies , Recovering , Restoration , Repairs , Sewing Supplies , Nylon , Canvas
Areas serviced: Wairoa, Wairoa Area, Wairoa Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
Hawkes Bay Expressway, Napier-Hastings Expressway, 50 & Pakowhai Road, Waiohiki 4183, Hawke's Bay New Zealand
Best in Handcrafts , Classes , Fabric , Sewing Supplies , Scrapbooks , Glitter , Knitting Needles
Areas serviced: Pakowhai, Hastings Area
Closed now Check Opening Hours