Peake Road, Cambridge 3283, Waikato New Zealand
Best in Backpackers , Motels and Lodges , Reservations , Kitchens , Laundry Facilities
Areas serviced: Cambridge, Cambridge Area
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Contact us nowCambridge Road, Martinborough 5711, Wellington New Zealand
Best in Motels and Lodges , Beach , Kitchens , Decks , Spas , Alarm Clocks , Ironing Boards , Microwave Ovens
Areas serviced: Martinborough, Martinborough Area
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Divorce yourself from old things and turn them into money on marketplace.
Cambridge Road, Martinborough 5711, Wellington New Zealand
Best in Motels and Lodges , Beach , Decks , Spas , Kitchens , Internet Access , DVD Players , Fans
Areas serviced: Martinborough, Martinborough Area
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Williamson St, Cambridge 3434, New Zealand
Best in General Business , Motels and Lodges , Beach , Kitchens , Decks , Spas , Alarm Clocks , Ironing Boards
Areas serviced: Cambridge, Cambridge Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
London Street, Hamilton 3204, Waikato New Zealand
Best in Conference Services , Motels and Lodges , Reservations , 5 Star , Beach , Lakes , Kitchens
Areas serviced: Maungatautari, Cambridge Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
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Contact us nowShakespeare Street, Cambridge 3432, Waikato New Zealand
Best in Motels and Lodges , Motels , Dinner , Breakfast , Kitchens , Dining Rooms , Lounges , Swimming Pool
Areas serviced: Waikato, Leamington, Cambridge Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
Vogel Street, Cambridge 3434, Waikato New Zealand
Best in Motels and Lodges , Rivers , Art Galleries , Beach , Lakes , Kitchens , Swimming Pool , Spas
Areas serviced: Cambridge, Cambridge Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
Hamilton Road, Cambridge 3434, Waikato New Zealand
07 827 .... , 050826.... , +64 7 827 ....
Best in Motels and Lodges , Beach , Golf Courses , Lake , Breakfast , Kitchens , Decks , Spas , Swimming Pool
Areas serviced: Cambridge, Cambridge Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
Hamilton Road, Cambridge 3434, Waikato New Zealand
Best in Motels and Lodges , Beach , Kitchens , Decks , Spas , Alarm Clocks , Ironing Boards , Microwave Ovens
Areas serviced: Cambridge, Cambridge Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
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Contact us nowPeake Road, Cambridge 3283, Waikato New Zealand
Best in Backpackers , Motels and Lodges , Beach , Kitchens , Decks , Spas , Alarm Clocks , Ironing Boards
Areas serviced: Cambridge, Cambridge Area
Open now Check Opening Hours
Cambridge Road, Cambridge 3495, Waikato New Zealand
07 823 .... , 021 371.... , + 64 7 823 ....
Best in Motels and Lodges , Hiking , Jet Boating , Bushwalking , Canoeing , Equine Sports , Caving
Areas serviced: Cambridge, Cambridge Area
Open now Check Opening Hours