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Obelisk Industrial
Listing type: Offer
Provider type: Private
Services: Construction Services
Auckand, New Zealand
17 January 2020Description
Obelisk Industrial - We are the one stop Auckland construction company for steel structure installation. Call 09 579 7733. We’ve established our reputation by building relationships on trust, performance, safety and reliability. All projects begin with detailed planning. You tell us your end goal and we bring our specialist expertise to the table. Experience, knowledge, and a commitment to excellence are strengths which give us the muscle to complete jobs others may not be able to. When it comes to steel erection, we’re there from the planning stages until the last beam is set and all bolting-up is finished. Our project managers, project engineers, welders, riggers and drivers will work with you from start to finish: from managing the supply of steel, quality documentation, fabrication process through to erection.
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