Trengrove Transport
Transport Operators in Christchurch area
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91 Treffers Road Wigram Christchurch
New Zealand
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Services offered since 1987
Building Supplies, Building
Expertised in Transport Operators
Areas serviced
Regional, Local, Nationwide, Burnside, Christchurch
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Curtainsiders, Trucks, Land, Quotes, Contract Rates, Industrial, Commercial, Containers, Freight, Flat Decks, Forklifts
Availability/ Opening hours
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About Trengrove Transport
We specialise in delivering all types of housing joinery, we also deliver for leading retailers in Bedding, Furniture and Whiteware retailers. Delivering to Christchurch and the outer rural areas.
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“Court appointed lawyer, supposedly taupo based. Hasn't attempted to contact me or ring me. Nothing more to report, except how convenient to appoint a lawyer that has no office here where I live. That's what I call the short straw in more ways then one. I look forward to talking to you Graeme rogue when you get the chance after you finish doing whatever the fk you want. I have parental rights to sort out. Waiting....”
Unfair COF
“My vehicle was failed because of some rust on headlight reflector although the lights were working perfectly. I believe that this should have been a compliance issue. My vehicle is a Fiat and it took some time to get new lights and I had to pay another inspection fee although I notified testing station. We are pensioners and on limited income. it also meant that we were unable to go away as planned.”
Anyone else would be better
“Putting any trust in her ability has proven to be the worst mistake of my life. I learned the hard way that she is inept. She was appointed lawyer for the child by the court and her actions during a round table meeting resulted in me losing access to my children. Her mediation space is substandard u will not be able to move in there. She will ask u questions u have already answered. She will not offer u any breaks or ask u if ur OK. She will pick sides and if ur on the wrong side watch out”
Terrible service
“Appalled with how I was spoken to by two staff members over the phone. They were so rude and completely cut me off. I would not recommend.”
“Advertised Ph No 07-8627637 No longer valid according to Spark! as at 12 Dec 23.”