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Seaview Custom Engineering Limited
Transport Engineering in Christchurch area
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Our address
30A Racecourse Rd,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 348 4670
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Services offered
Engineers General, Transport Engineering
Expertised in Transport Engineering
Engineering, Consulting, Design, Repairs
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Sockburn, Christchurch
Additional info
Trailers, Cars, Trucks, Semi Trucks, Walk-ins, On-site Service, Quotes, Steel, Industrial, Tankers, Semi Trucks
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Seaview Custom Engineering Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 6 Hr 44 Min
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This is what customers say about Seaview Custom Engineering Limited
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“They remember you and know what your there for...that's if your a regular”
Unfair Pricing
“Called Fenn Refrigeration for a oven repair. They came for approximately half an hour, checked and assessed the oven. Then I get the bill... $132.54 including CFPW House call fee whiteware minimum charge for $113.00. Nobody communicated it upfront, saw that first on the bill. I definitely do not recommend this Supplier. They definitely need to improve in the communication. Also, just called admin, explained how I feel and they just did nothing. This was the first and last time I engaged them. No”
“I went there at 2;40pm for my 10 months baby appointment at 2;45pm. While we were asked to wait, my baby was just laughing to watch the fish tank, the reception lady asked us to go out just because he was loud. it was so hot outside. but she said you have to go and we waited outside in the sun. while we came back inside and asked for wait timing, she said you were quite early so you have to wait. it was already 3; 05 pm. Very disappointed and upset. Will change the doctor soon.”
Rapidly deteriorating in quality
“Do not care about client safety and comfort. Demanding tips in addition to ride price. With all my respect, they hire migrants who need any job, as I never heard about great taxi drivers from Somali. All management is single nationality and it is not a English, or Maori, or NZ European gentlemen - nothing against this fact, bit in our time of multicultural approach there should be some locals there? Most recent reviews are very negative, company is far from standards of profession...”
“Tony and Darrel were great, on time, on budget, i would recommend them”