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Salvation Army Family Store Palmerston North
Clothing Secondhand in Palmerston North area
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Our address
601 Main St,
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 357 9829
0800 53 00 00
Our fax
Our website
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Services offered
Clothing Secondhand
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Palmerston North, Palmerston North Area
Additional info
Youth, Women, Toddlers, Men, Children, Babies, All Ages, Adults, Missionary Discounts, Second Hand, Buy Sell & Trade, Mobile EFTPOS
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Salvation Army Family Store Palmerston North are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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This is what customers say about Salvation Army Family Store Palmerston North
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L&P Simpson
“Today we have had our house carpet cleaned by Jae Services in Gisborne. We are absolutely thrilled with the results and have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this company, in fact I asked them for some business cards so I could pass them on to anyone I heard of needing services such as theirs..”
Excellent floor sander
“A top notch job with extensive knowledge of woodworking”
“Tony and Karen Boyd from Sparkn Electricial are very nice to deal with untill they land the job, no shows, unkeeped promises and over charging well passed the quoted price is just how they operate! ”