Rolleston Physio
Physiotherapists in Rolleston area
Rolleston Physio
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Our address
Unit 3, 71 Broadlands Drive
New Zealand
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+643 667 4660
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Services offered since 2000
Health and Fitness Centres, Beauty, Care & Health
Expertised in Physiotherapists
Rolleston Physio
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Rolleston Physio are:
Today: 08:00 am - 06:00 pm
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About Rolleston Physio
At Rolleston Physio, we help office workers move better and feel stronger with expert physiotherapy. Your first appointment is designed to give you a clear understanding of your condition, the treatment plan needed, and how long recovery will take. Our world-class rehab, once for athletes, is now for you—so you can get back to work and life without limitations.
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Best ever
“So through caring and professional, Highly recommend. Absolutely the best periodontist I have met.”
Excellent service
“Prompt and extremely helpful.Would go back anytime.”
A gem in the rural community
“I've been attending Wharephunga Playcentre since 2020 and it is a centre full of lovely families, working hard to keep the areas of play and property up to date and have fun on sessions with their tamariki.”