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McKenzie's Carpet Court
Carpet and Vinyl Contractors in Masterton, Wellington area
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Our address
16 Lincoln Road,
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 377 5600
0800 787 777
Our fax
06 377 4497
Our website
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Services offered since 1956
Carpet and Vinyl Retailers
Expertised in Carpet and Vinyl Contractors
Overlayments, Measuring, Advice, Laying
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Masterton, Masterton Area
Payment options
MasterCard, EFTPOS, Gift Vouchers, Direct Debit, Financing Available, Credit Terms Available, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Personal
Additional info
Free Measure & Quote, Cork, Nylon, Wool, Residential, Commercial
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business McKenzie's Carpet Court are:
Open Now
Today: 08:30am-05:00pm
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“Have used this for years ,it’s the best of it’s kind on the market ,it gives almost instant relief.thank you.sheila Rolton ”
No service
“rang up to get a quote and was fobbed off by excuse that key person was away overseas for a week”
“Over priced. Went in to get a quote on some work on my car and was quoted $1,000 more than the other 3 places I went to. Definitely would look else where. ”
“A horrible person! Verbally abused us in public when we were having a private conversation then verbally abused us for thinking we kill pet pigs. Misheard us, rude and entitled behavior. V Unstable!”