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Mills Bros Flooring Xtra Masterton
Carpet and Vinyl Retailers in Masterton area
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Our address
Dixon St & Russell St,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 377 3620
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Services offered since 1989
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Expertised in Carpet and Vinyl Retailers
Installation, Laying
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Masterton, Masterton Area
Payment options
MasterCard, Cash, Personal Cheques, Direct Debit, Credit Terms Available, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), EFTPOS, VISA
Additional info
Free Measure & Quote, Free In-home Consultations, Flats, Houses, Vinyl Flooring, Carpet, Free In-home Consultations, Bedrooms, Nylon, Vinyl, Wool, Residential, Commercial
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Mills Bros Flooring Xtra Masterton are:
Closed now
Opens in 15 Hr 0 Min
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This is what customers say about Mills Bros Flooring Xtra Masterton
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Manual sign in
“Have been into this Supermarket twice in past 2 weeks and there is no mandatory manual sign in place. Both New World and PaknSave Hastings have a person asking if people have signed in and directing people to the facilities. Hardly anybody in the queue this morning were using the QR code. It is MANDATORY to do so and this is not being followed. Will boycott the supermarket till action is taken to rectify this.”
Comfortable Strydes Ahead pants
“I bought two pairs a lot if years ago and to this day I'm still using them. Very flexible with change and size. Thank you. I want done more.”
“A real treat for a cake buff. nice to have a place out of town for supplies. See you again soon !”
“Had their t/aways before, but last night..eew chicken chow mein, the taste was lovely, except: hardly any chicken, 1 coin size round of carrot halved and tough, large chunks of cauli quite firm, old broccoli it was going yellow underneath eewww, onion was lovely, appearance was horrid. Also had two spring rolls, eeeww, consisted of mince, some corn kernels and some peas, no shredded cabbage, flavour ok, but certainly not a spring roll, the pastry itself was good, I guess they made them.”
Over priced electrician
“Reorganised kitchen lights and wired roof space light that was meant to have been done prior to house purchase. Charged extensively when compared to trade prices with reasonable mark up. We wouldn't usually quibble over similar trade work but the bill was quite substantial. Chris was adamant about the costs involved and wouldn't budge. Paid in full but won't use again. use again.”