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The shopping hours and days of the business Manta Marine Stainless are:
Open Now
Today: 07:00am-04:00pm
Boat and Yacht Supplies, Stainless Steel
Fabrication, Engineering, Design
we are providing services in Mount Roskill, Auckland City
MasterCard, Direct Debit, Personal Cheques, VISA, Cash
Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Alloys, Sheet Metal, Steel, Industrial, Marine, Commercial, Fittings, Benches, Handrails, Architectural
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“had to chase paddy all the time, and that was just for a quote, so probably won't bother if he ever sends us his quote. Unreliable tradies, not a good look:(”
“Skilled and compassionate counselling. Life changing”
“The new cardboard packaging is disgusting. I'm a land based fisherman. Went to one site and it was everywhere. I thought it was strange then bought a box of 3kg bombs for myself and yip. Packaging stuck to the berley. Hands smelt like berley. Rubbish harder to contain because it comes off in little pieces and I cannot contain the flow of barley like the old method. So much more rubbish. Why would you change what's not broken.”
“First class wedding album makers and distributors. Brian and his daughter are great, been with them for years. Paul Broome.”
“I am 45 years old and had counciling when i was 13 with Helen. I have never forgot and will alwasys be thankful for the healing. A++++++Recommendation ”