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Leigh Decorators
Painters and Paperhangers in Leigh, Auckland area
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Our address
PO Box 163 Leigh,
Auckland, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 422 6695
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Services offered
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Expertised in Painters and Paperhangers
Finishing, Maintenance, Renovations, Wallpapering, Decorating, Brush Application, Airless Spraying, Repainting
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Leigh, Leigh Area
Additional info
Decorators, Buildings, Houses, Exterior, Interiors, Residential, Commercial
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Leigh Decorators are:
Closed now
Opens in 7 Hr 15 Min
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“I have always had such good service at my local testing station.I also feel secure knowing they do a very thorough test.”
Wrong way round.
“When installing a Legacy-Tekapo toilet roll holder we found the instructions put the base plate recesses horizontally they need to be top and bottom (vertically).We now have an extra hole in the wall, but were lucky the fully assembled holder has covered it.The grub screw with the allen key to do it up is a nightmare where as an ordinary slot for a flat screwdriver would be far easier and less damaging to freshly painted walls.”
The Pits on Reservoir
“The owners recently changed. It used to be the ritz, now it’s the pits. Be kind to your pets and look elsewhere. My dog came back smelly, wet and injured, ……. Twice. I’ll not be back and when I told the owner she said “well we don’t need your business””
Outstanding life changing practitioner
“I found Ange after the public system had been trying to prescribe me anti depressants to cope with life at home with 2 babies under 20 months. Ange’s accurate diagnosis of rushing mother’s syndrome followed by a thorough life plan , stopped me having to go down a pharmaceutical route. And within 6 weeks of following her tonics and lifestyle plan I was nearly back to normal . Thank you Ange”