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Lara Cusdin Shiatsu Practitioner
Natural Therapy in Mayfield, Marlborough area
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4A Nelson Street, State Highway 6, 6,
Marlborough, South Island,
New Zealand
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03 548 2095
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Opens in 8 Hr 43 Min
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“Had a problematic washing machine still under warranty. They came to assess, had to take it away and brought it back fixed a week later. Nice and friendly, no problems.”
“Stuart Cunningham painted our house. Paint peeling off within three years had to get it repainted. Next painter said many parts of the house had only had one coat of paint even though paid for two. ”
“Tried to find your shop. All I found at your address (80C Takanini School Road) was a toilet block behind a Sikh Temple.”
“I wouldn't even give 1 star if that option was available. The wrecked my sisters house in the move then sat it down on piles that didn't line up. They have joined joists with flinch plate th”
“Great value and high attention to detail- thank you!”