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Lawnmowers in Auckland area
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Our address
51 Aintree Avenue,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 248 759
09920 2410
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Services offered since 2013
Chainsaws and Brush Cutters, Lawnmowers
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Martinborough, Featherston, Carterton, Gladstone, Woodville, Pahiatua, EKETA, Masterton, Masterton Area
Additional info
Pruners, Mulchers, Hedge Trimmers, Grass Trimmers, Edgers, Cultivators, Concrete Saws, Clearing Saws, Chains, Chain Saws, Brushcutters, Blowers, Blades, Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Rotary, Riding, Motorised, Husqvarna
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Husqvarna are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 43 Min
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Poor service
“Contact was made via Builderscrack, Inc arrangement for site visit. Quote was sent and accepted then refused by Mr Sandless after I awarded job via Builderscrack. Reason being Lianne thought it was a private job even though she had contacted me via BC. So I'm left with no one to do my floors because they did not want to pay the commission to BC. I chose to list through BC in order to only have contact from someone that actually wanted the job but still ended up feeling shafted.”
I'm in the Mines, WA Australia :)
“Thanks to Vince Whittaker and the team for class of 2012 Civil Construction Course. That picture of a Dump Truck on our classroom wall inspired me to get my Wheels, Tracks, Rollers & HR Licence. Now I drive a water-truck which is a modified dump-truck like the one on our wall - 9 years later - thank you. Cheers, Claudette W :)”
Great Service & Finance Deals
“I have been very fortunate to buy my car from Dave Allen Motors in Hamilton. Everyone, I dealt with was honest, empathetic & invested in my being successful in buying my car. The range of cars is wide, they are in excellent condition, & are chosen carefully. It has been a very reassuring journey, & I am so very pleased with my purchase. I will be recommending Dave Allen Motors to all. You should make it a point to go there for your next purchase.”
“Tried to find your shop. All I found at your address (80C Takanini School Road) was a toilet block behind a Sikh Temple.”