Hire Kaitaia
Hire Handyman Equipment in Kaitaia area
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Our address
30 Matthews Ave
Far North, North Island
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 408 2774
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Services offered since 2010
Compressors, Contractors General, Drainage, Earthmovers, Earthmoving Equipment, Excavators, Fencing Contractors, Hire Construction, Hire Services, Lasers, Lawnmowers, Portable Building Hire, Portable Toilets and Showers, Safety Equipment, Scaffolding, Sharpening Services, Tools, Trailers, Water Blasting Equipment, Weddings, Building, Industry, Hire Handyman Equipment, Digger hire, Excavator hire, Compaction equipment, Mower sales & hire
Expertised in Hire Handyman Equipment
Everything hire
Areas serviced
Kaitaia, Kaitaia Area
Payment options
Cash, Eftpos, Bank
Additional info
Construction, Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Circular Saws, Chain Saws, Cutters, Circular Saws, Chain Saws, Cutters, Generators, Cement Mixers, Pumps, Air Compressors, Blowers
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Hire Kaitaia are:
Today: 07:00 am - 05:30 pm
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About Hire Kaitaia
General hire and access equipment
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“Awesome friendly service. Totally recommend them.”
“These guys are fantastic, I had an Accident in my mustang and these guys made such an incredible job of repairing it, attention to detail and finish was perfect. In fact I think it’s better than befor”
Haven,t got what we asked for
“0800800445. they don’t ring you back and send a copy of an invoice you ask for”
“Reg Horner has fixed my wind-up watches and clocks for a few years now and I cant recommend him highly enough. He has moved to Fairley, but I still send my things to him. Thanks Reg :) Diane Lowe”