Kaitaia Hire Centre
Hire Handyman Equipment in Kaitaia area
The right tool for every job
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Our address
30 Matthews Ave
Far North, North Island
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 408 0004
Our fax
09 408 2004
Our website
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Services offered since 2000
Chainsaws and Brush Cutters, Compressors, Earthmoving Equipment, Excavators, Hire Construction, Platforms Mobile, Portable Building Hire, Portable Toilets and Showers, Safety Equipment, Scaffolding, Tools, Trailers, Water Blasting Equipment, Welders, Welding Equipment, Building, Home & Garden, Industry, Hire Handyman Equipment, General Hire, Outdoor Power Equipment - Hire, Sales & Service
Expertised in Hire Handyman Equipment
Sales, Service, Parts, Repairs, Hire
Areas serviced
Kaitaia, Kaitaia Area, Mangonui, Far North
Payment options
MasterCard, EFTPOS, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Credit Terms Available, Personal Cheques, Cash, VISA
Additional info
Residential, Industrial, Construction, Commercial, Chain Saws, Pumps, Generators, Circular Saws, Chain Saws, Cement Mixers, Blowers, Air Compressors
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Kaitaia Hire Centre are:
Today: 07:00am-05:30pm
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About Kaitaia Hire Centre
Sales, Service, Repairs, Hire We stock a large range of outdoor power equipment both new (for sale) and for hire. Ranging from generators, water blasters and air compressors to mowers (ride-on and push) chainsaws, line trimmers and rotary hoes. With brands like Victa, Ferris, Makita, Gt power & Echo, you cant go past without calling in to see the complete range.
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Outstanding service
“Very caring an helpful going above and beyond”
“Really dirty. Mould on draining board. Old cobwebs everywhere. Black grime on shelves and pots+pans. Black on carpet. Dead insects everywhere literally. Absolutely yuk. Unhygienic to prepare food in.”
“They refuse to finalize the item that is needed to finish. After waiting more than 6+months, I've sent my options to see what I can legally do to move forward. I would never recommend any company they own.”
On time
“Good service happy with the the work was done , and a good advice”