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Hilson Dr H R
General Business in Nelson area
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Our address
298 Hardy Street,
South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 546 8086
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Hilson Dr H R are:
Closed now
Opens in 18 Hr 28 Min
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Went to him few years ago he was AMAZING
“Miss His Treatments and Guidance.I don’t drive anymore now.and it’s very difficult to get out to his rooms. BUT would definitely encourage folk to go see him with physical and mental health challenges. Miss you Johnny.”
WARNING: Misdiagnosed my pet
“WARNING: Blockhouse Bay Veterinary Centre misdiagnosed my pet and that resulted in premature death. Customer Service from the ladies on the front desk is non-existent – Too busy. It seems that somewhere down the line the owners of Blockhouse Bay Veterinary Centre, started concentrating more on the money than the service.”
“Wouldn't go near this smooth talking truth twisting chap ever again..worst operator I've delt with in the 15 year's here in That's a minus 1*”