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Riddiford A and Graham D
General Business in Nelson area
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12 Poynters Cres,
New Zealand
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03 548 3111
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The shopping hours and days of the business Riddiford A and Graham D are:
Closed now
Opens in 12 Hr 54 Min
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Unprofessional and incompetent
“Absolutely abysmal service. Doesn't listen and is very disorganised. Appears to have no administrative support so you'll be paying her excessive hourly rate so she can type poorly written emails and double book your appointments. I realise that she already has a poor reputation in Nelson (and now NZ) but my review is entirely based on her substandard service which is, quite frankly, unprofessional. AVOID at all costs. NB - she's created another profile to dodge poor feedback so reposted here”
“Stuart Cunningham painted our house. Paint peeling off within three years had to get it repainted. Next painter said many parts of the house had only had one coat of paint even though paid for two. ”
“Efficient and professional services. excellent communication - very clear and very fast feedback and delivery of documents.”
“I had them sell my saddle on my behalf and they were extremely professional and transparent about the procedure. I was very satisfied with the whole process. Ash Anwar @ North Shore Riding Club”