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Sales Training in Pareora West, Canterbury area
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Our address
112 Brasell Road,
Pareora West
Canterbury, Timaru, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0508 432 766
0508 432766
(0274) 152276
(03) 6864877
Our fax
(03) 6864877
Our website
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“Pauanui Service Centre saved us in a stressful moment! Amazing service and so friendly.”
Faulty dishwasher installation
“Dishwasher was not hooked up correctly resulting in water leaking into kitchen cupboards and causing damage. Despite their tradesman admitting a faulty installation Leader and Watt denied responsibility and refused to repair damage adequately only offering a cheap patch up job.”
“I contracted Hsv2 from one33. Fucking pissed off as now I'm stuck with this for life.”
Rude and expensive
“Bruce Moroney is rude, unhelpful and overpriced. They do no stick the quotes given given. Bruce is incredibly condensing when dealing with women.”
“I ordered an outdoor set in October 2018. I still have not received it and when I call I just get lies. Keep away from this scam of a company.”