Pest Control in Hamilton area
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Unit 7 / 985 Heaphy Terrace
New Zealand
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022 133 0298
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Expertised in Pest Control
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The shopping hours and days of the business HamiltonPestControlconz are:
Today: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
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About HamiltonPestControlconz
HamiltonPestControl.co.nz is Hamilton's premier pest control service, offering effective, eco-friendly solutions. Your top choice for a safe, pest-free environment.
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“Does not pay outstanding invoices. Needs to be chased for payment”
Don't get too ecxited
“Never before have we been cheated and deceived in this way by a company that are dealing with families, with moms, dads, and kids, who just want to find themselves a nice house. Out of the blue, and without any reason at all, Focus Property Management just offered the house to someone else... the next applicant on the list! After everything we did and all our commitments. We were offered the house, we accepted the terms, we received the contract, everything was agreed and settled”
“Tried to find your shop. All I found at your address (80C Takanini School Road) was a toilet block behind a Sikh Temple.”
Truck driver Phil
“I like to give a huge thank you to Petes towing whangarei for there service and a bigger thanks to our tow truck driver Phil need lots more guys like him..”
Dont buy from STL Audio
“What a nightmare/ terrible customer service experience/ truly disappointing”