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Funtime Mobile Caterers
Caterers in Auckland area
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Our address
38 Bancroft Crescent,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 818 7800
Our fax
09 818 2996
Our website
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Glendene, West Auckland
Payment options
Cash, EFTPOS, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking)
Additional info
Brunch, Breakfast, Lunch, 40th Birthdays, 21st Birthdays, Birthdays, Family Reunions, Anniversaries, Funerals, Christmas Parties, Banquets, Corporate Events, Meetings, Conferences
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Funtime Mobile Caterers are:
Open Now
Today: 08:30am-04:00pm
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“Great results following Ange's advice after my allergy test. After a decade of IBS I'm finally healing and living better.”
“Blatant Wrong Change by $20.00. My 83 year old Aunt from Melbourne gave a $50.00 note to purchase items worth $26.00. Change amount should have been $24.00 but she is given on $4.00. Yes $4.00. ”
“The place is filthy. The fridge freezers still had blood in them, and didnt go properly. The toilets were never cleaned properly, the recreation room was used as the managers private bar, lots of permanents, some love but some toxic. The disabled toilet was illegal, and the women's toilets would often smell. The kitchen was dirty and cold with ovens that did not work properly. How it passed Council inspections I don't know. Don't go.”