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Corrections Department Of

General Business in Dargaville, Northland area

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  • Our address
    Wairoa River Dargaville Rest Area & Grey Street, Twin Coast Discovery Highway, State Highway 12, 12,
    Dargaville 0310,
    Northland, Kaipara, North Island,
    New Zealand Edit

  • Our phone(s)
    06 833 5570 Edit

  • Our fax
    No fax number yet. Edit

  • Our website
    No website yet. Edit

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The shopping hours and days of the business Corrections Department Of are:


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Opens in 2 Hr 29 Min

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Areas serviced

we are providing services in Wairoa, Wairoa Area

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Bunch of idiots

“They don’t know the law. My partners car was seized by these people due to a failed relationship I didn’t own my car but my ex put it under collateral without my knowledge and after a breakup. Treanne holdings one took my car without letting me know. They took it while I was at work . I had car seat, money and plenty of other things that were left in my car. 2 they took my car for collateral purposes and did not check that it was under finance with some body else as no communication. Shit pe”

Roofing Masters

“One of the best roofing company i have ever come across in my lifetime”

Consistently Great

“Been using this company for 6 years and Winstar has consistently provided great friendly service. Prompt and efficient. At a very reasonable price”

John Thomas Natural Ange Limited

Ange the ultimate therapist

“Ange has kept me well for the last ten years. She uses a variety of treatments and techniques that blend in seamlessly with modern medicine. Ange has a very pleasant, caring manner that immediately puts you at ease. I strongly recommend her to anyone who wants to get healthy and stay healthy. Her treatments are positively therapeutic and have worked so well for me. Thanks Ange John Thomas”

Daniel Mathew M and M Services Rotorua

Great service

“Excellent work. Easy to deal with. Very knowledgeable. Highly recommend”