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Barker Matt Orthodontist
Dentists in Wellington area
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Our address
Level 2, 97-99 Courtney Pl Te Aro Wellington,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
04 384 4960
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Services offered
No services selected yet.
Expertised in Dentists
Teeth Cleaning, Preventive Care, Check-ups, Teeth Whitening
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Te Aro, Wellington City
Additional info
Dental Hygienists, Extractions, Fillings, Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry, Crowns
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Barker Matt Orthodontist are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Jennings Jewelers
“I live in the states and bought a watch from Trade Me, I had a friend- Co-worker from Gisborne bring in my Michael Kors watch for a battery, That was 10 days ago, I feel like its taking a long time for a battery. This watch is for our boss, my co- worker still need to send the watch to me here in the states. I'm getting worried it will not make it here for his birthday. Fingers crossed I hear something this week. Debbie Santos. GM Hilton Hotels, NJ”
“Horrible service, i dont think the staff are trained. Went for eyebrow wax, came back with one brow smaller than the other. Gave them the benefit of the doubt, went back & left with wax in my hair. ”
Very knowledgeable, Friendly,
“When it came to ticking all the boxes, they ticked boxes We didn't even know existed. Compliance and safety was a big part of the job. Delivery of the work was second to none.”
Phone not answered
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