Auckland Movers And Furniture Transport
Moving Auckland Businesses ,Office And Commercial
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Our address
20 Lucerne Rd, Remuera
New Zealand
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Services offered since 2009
Transport & Storage
Expertised in
spa pools , pianos , large items,moving furniture ,moving house
Areas serviced
Payment options
cash ,eftpos , visa
Additional info
If you’re looking for a good Auckland moving company,to transport household furniture or larger items like spa pools , pianos or or office furniture then look no further as we are one of the most trusted furniture movers in Auckland. We strive to offer the best service to furniture removals across Auckland
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Auckland Movers And Furniture Transport are:
Today: 07:00 am - 05:00 pm
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About Auckland Movers And Furniture Transport
If you’re looking for a good Auckland moving company,to transport household furniture or larger items like spa pools , pianos or or office furniture then look no further as we are one of the most trusted furniture movers in Auckland. We strive to offer the best service to furniture removals across Auckland – we will the pressure off you with our team of skilled movers who will take the very best care of your possessions with the utmost care. So if you need a single item moved across town or your entire house or office lot, our furniture movers work to the highest standards in the industry.
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“Tried to find your shop. All I found at your address (80C Takanini School Road) was a toilet block behind a Sikh Temple.”
“Dawn journeyed life with us and caught all five of our boys. Our last were twins and because of her experIence I was able to birth them naturally. Dawn is a warm caring woman with a wealth of experience. She is professional and was an amazing advocate at a time when I was feeling vulnerable.”
“Wow what a terrific variety of lollies, in this beautiful quaint Victorian Sweet Shop. Staff are fab too. Its a happy place to be. They have my favourite & some that you can only get there 🍭”
Worse company ever
“This company take your money then takes to get back to you if your appliance requires parts. I would not recommend to anyone. The husband and wife that run this business are so rude.”