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Alley Specialised Coatings
Plasterers in Gisborne area
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Our address
387 Childers Rd,
Our phone(s)
06 867 4380
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Services offered 1958
Painters and Paperhangers, Plasterers
Expertised in Plasterers
Insulating, Energy Improvements, Waterproofing, Spraying, Remodelling, Resurfacing, Design, Finishing, Grinding, Maintenance, Installation, Repairs,
we are providing services in Gisborne, Gisborne Area
Cash, Personal Cheques, Money Orders, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Gift Vouchers
Additional info
Shops, Medical Facilities
The shopping hours and days of the business Alley Specialised Coatings are:
Open Now
: 07:00am-05:00pm
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“Great results following Ange's advice after my allergy test. After a decade of IBS I'm finally healing and living better.”
No stars
“So the receptionist just threatened to push my daughter in the face. What kind of service is this? If you having problems at home dont take ya crap out on customers. Definitely wouldn't recommend going here.”
“One one transaction this lawyer gave our resource consent to another party costing us $13,000 then she made a mistake in the GST and cost us another $42,000. She is arrogant,rude and no communication.”
Very helpful
“Great service here in August 2022. Did not buy my phone at that Spark store, but the staff set phone up and had it going after some troubleshooting. Very kind and caring team.”
“why cannot you put your email address on your site my pc will not send to the form that comes up so frustrating!”