Alchemy Plumbers Hastings
Plumbers in Hastings area
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Our address
230 Heretaunga Street
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 880 6296
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Services offered since 2010
Pumping Equipment, Home & Garden, Plumbing, Renovation & New Build Plumbing
Expertised in Plumbers
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About Alchemy Plumbers Hastings
Alchemy Plumbers Hastings offers experienced, family-run plumbing, gas fitting, drainage, and earthworks services. Known for quality workmanship, they boast a perfect 5-star Google review rate and provide rapid emergency responses and innovative solutions like solar panels and underfloor heating systems.
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“Old creepy man drilled holes and lines around gumline on what was my perfect teeth. Then he puts his glasses on. Ruined my life.”
“Chris & Sally are top class hairdressers. Chris is second to none, his cutting is outstanding. I now live in the UK but on my return to Palmy its a must to visit Chris for a proper cut. Lady Pom”
Horrifying experience
“Spent thousands and all teeth were a complete failure after just a month”
Parenting group
“We loved participating in this group. Tristanne Jackie and Marina were fun knowledgeable and non judgemental in their approach. They made us feel like we could do this and in the end we did”