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Advanced Natural Medicine
Natural Therapy in Auckland area
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87 Portage Road,
North Island,
New Zealand
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09 826 4482
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Today: 08:00am-06:00pm
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Christmas time dog care
“My very little dog was looked after through the Christmas - New Year period by K9 and Katz. He is 3 years and never stayed away from his family, we were quite worried but... he came back in beautiful condition, smelling lovely and happy. Looks like he had a great holiday too. Thanks so fo much!! Highly recommended!”
“Des carries out work that is outside his expertise and without the home owner's consent. Des does not clean up after the job is completed as a result you have concrete rubble all over your place. ”
Reaction to Anon written on 14/03/2022
“Its a shame you didn't add your name to your comment, as I dont believe you were a visitor who just popped in. More likely one of the Toxic Persons that Management removed from the property. I am a permanent and yes the camp has had it problems, but we came here like others accepting the camp as it was and we are all still here. We are all good respectable people. Council is making regular checks.”
“Shopped here a lot, but just refused a refund 20 minutes after $50 purchase because son realized it wasnt the right product after all. Incredibly mean spirited - will never shop here again and will make sure friends and colleagues don't either. What a sh*t way to treat your customers.”