Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi 7630, Canterbury New Zealand
Best in Automotive Repairs , Engine Servicing , Warrant of Fitness , Petrol , Diesel , Manual Transmissions
Areas serviced: Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Woodend, Oxford
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Contact us nowOhoka Road, Kaiapoi 7630, Canterbury New Zealand
Best in Automotive Repairs , Engine Servicing , Warrant of Fitness , Vans , Trucks , Motorcycles
Areas serviced: Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Woodend, Oxford
Closed now Check Opening Hours
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Nga Mahi Road, Christchurch 8042, Canterbury New Zealand
Best in Automotive Parts , Automotive Repairs , Cars , Vans , Residential , Commercial , Citroen
Areas serviced: Rangiora, Ashburton, Culverden, Amberley
Closed now Check Opening Hours
Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi 7630, Canterbury New Zealand
Best in Automotive Repairs , Engine Servicing , Warrant of Fitness , Trucks , Cars , 4WD , Manual
Areas serviced: Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Woodend, Oxford
Closed now Check Opening Hours