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Looking Seismic Engineering
Listing type: Offer
Provider type: Private
Engineering Services
Auckand, New Zealand
06 July 2020Description
As Aucklanders step out of lockdown and start exploring the freedoms of Alert Level 1, the long awaited, groundbreaking Commercial Bay retail and dining destination is there to greet them. After a long period of planning and execution, the fairy lights are up and the twinkle and sparkle of Commercial Bay is coming to life. We are pretty excited about its long awaited unveiling. We have been involved in so many aspects of this project, which combines all three of our favourite things, shopping, eating and seismic design! It has been described as a development unlike any other, perhaps Auckland’s most transformational project ever. This ambitious project will provide an iconic world-class entrance into Auckland City, as it is positioned on the waterfront with the picturesque Waitemata Harbour as the backdrop. For now, it can be enjoyed by New Zealanders, and in the future it will provide our International visitors with a taste of the sophistication our cities can offer, particularly with America’s Cup (hopefully) just around the corner. Being part of this development, where commercial space, public transport, retail, hospitality and urban design spaces are brought together involved a huge amount of collaboration, a need for flexibility and plenty of solution finding along the way. Just the way we like it! The Commercial Bay project had aspirational ambitions, and as a partner on the project, we were delighted to bring solutions for the ground breaking challenges that were asked of us. Source Link: https://bvtengineering.com/news-resources/bvt-and-commercial-bay-shopping-eating-and-seismic-design https://padlet.com/bvtengineering/earthquakeengineering
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