clergy wear shop
Accessories Clothing in Woodbridge area
A Place Where Quality Meets Reality!
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12538 basque PI
US Virgin Islands
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Services offered since 2018
Clothing Specialty, General Business, Tailors, Transport & Storage, Business, Clergy Robe, Clergy Shirts, clergy cassock, apparel & accessories
Expertised in Accessories Clothing
We offer you best quality products that meets reality, pride to provide clergy items that meets customers desire. home clergy wear shop.
Areas serviced
Woodbridge VA
Payment options
online google payment
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business clergy wear shop are:
Opens in 22 hours 46 minutes
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About clergy wear shop
Welcome to the Clergy Wear Shop official web page. We are a trend-setting brand in Clergy Wears. We are offering the most extensive selection of custom-made clergy robes/cassocks proficiently stitched by expert tailors using finest quality material. There’s always something nice to be found is our formal, elegant and traditional designs featuring very wearable and versatile trends.
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“Ugly company who will not answer direct questions posed to them after querying their conduct on my loan. All of a sudden started replying once it turned into a legal matter. ”
Burnt in w.d price care!!!
“Absolutely heart broken my vehicle gets gets stolen then recoverd by these people and 3months later they say hey your cars ready to be picked up.... But hey there's been a fire and your cars been burnt in there care and they ain't doing anything about it . I'm devastated to the fullest degree. It's not my fault you's parked a car next to mine and it blew up... North sales Ford ranger to be precise!”
Fantastic kindy
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Good work and social experience
“Good and easy to communicate with, they have a lot of team working but could be better.”
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