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“So i ask for help to pay my debt. Man must know my phone number. I refuse request and ask for another way to identify myself apparently there is no other way to help me. Address is not an option so they cant find you even though they sent you a debt to you. I explained you didnt have the phone number to send the mail. And why do i wantyou to have my number. Its been awhile since i seen the bill and it is gnawing at me to take care of it. And because im attempting to do that no one wants to help”
“Have been trying to contact you by phone several times, and not getting any response to either of your numbers. 5784182 or5784192 even though these nunbers are listed on line. Would like reply. My number is 5764814. Neville Wilson.”
“Passed my Class 2 practical today. Training is very thorough and Brian does not hold back sharing his years of experience training and driving all sorts of vehicles. Highly recommend.”