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Wynn Fraser Paints
Spray Painting Equipment in Whangarei, Northland area
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Our address
8 Okara Drive,
Northland, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 438 1624
0800 499 663
Our fax
09 438 3740
Our website
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Services offered since 1950
Boat and Yacht Supplies, Car Paint and Supplies, Coating, Painting and Decorating Supplies, Spray Painting Equipment, Wallpaper
Expertised in Spray Painting Equipment
Maintenance, Repairs
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Whangarei, Whangarei Area
Additional info
Online Services, Spraying Equipment, Booths, Spraying, Nozzles, Colour Matching Equipment, Brushes, Paint, Industrial, Marine, Commercial, Airless, Exterior
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Wynn Fraser Paints are:
Closed now
Opens in 13 Hr 15 Min
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“A real treat for a cake buff. nice to have a place out of town for supplies. See you again soon !”
“Paul Johnson has been dealing with my son for 15 years, have always felt confident with his work”
Not Recommended
“Tony carried out a site visit end of May 2021, he was to provide a report. Have been waiting 8 months, even though it was promised , I have still not received it. Tony will not reply to emails, phone messages, or answer my calls. Very unprofessional, definitely can not recommend.”
“we been there at 2;40pm for my 10 months baby appointment at 2;45pm. we were sitting in the waiting area aand baby was playing and laughing.The reception lady asked us to go out as my baby was laughing loud. we were so upset as it was so hot and no one can ask you to go out just because the baby laugh.It makes me so upset . it was so hot outside. i asked for witing time while we came back inside, the lady said you were too early so you have to wait. Annoying experience. Will change the doctor.”