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Painting and Decorating Supplies in Invercargill, Southland area

Availability/ Opening hours

The shopping hours and days of the business Wrens are:


Open Now

Today: 07:30am-05:30pm

Services offered since 2013

Curtains, Gift Shops and Suppliers, Painting and Decorating Supplies, Wallpaper

Expertised in Painting and Decorating Supplies

Colouring, Paint Mixing, Painting, Colour Matching, Decorating

Areas serviced

we are providing services in Invercargill, Invercargill Area

Payment options

MasterCard, Direct Debit, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Gift Vouchers, Personal Cheques, EFTPOS, VISA, Cash

Additional info

Sanders, Brushes, Varnish, Rollers, Ladders, Primer, Oil, Automotive

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Brenda Busuttin Leader and Watt

Faulty dishwasher installation

“Dishwasher was not hooked up correctly resulting in water leaking into kitchen cupboards and causing damage. Despite their tradesman admitting a faulty installation Leader and Watt denied responsibility and refused to repair damage adequately only offering a cheap patch up job.”

Rude and expensive

“Bruce Moroney is rude, unhelpful and overpriced. They do no stick the quotes given given. Bruce is incredibly condensing when dealing with women.”


“Very friendly and excellent massage”

Burnt in w.d price care!!!

“Absolutely heart broken my vehicle gets gets stolen then recoverd by these people and 3months later they say hey your cars ready to be picked up.... But hey there's been a fire and your cars been burnt in there care and they ain't doing anything about it . I'm devastated to the fullest degree. It's not my fault you's parked a car next to mine and it blew up... North sales Ford ranger to be precise!”


“Unprofessional, dangerous and incredibly rude. How is this business still operating?!!!”