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Workstore NZ Limited
Storage Services in Auckland area
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Our address
Ormiston Road,
North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 273 7440
0800 10 10 20
Our fax
Our website
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Services offered since 2002
Car Storage, Storage Services
Expertised in Storage Services
Patrols, Security
Areas serviced
we are providing services in East Tamaki, Manukau City
Payment options
MasterCard, American Express, EFTPOS, Direct Debit, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Cash, VISA
Additional info
Residential, Commercial, Surveillance Cameras, Alarms, Gated, Controlled Access, Security Fences, Lighting, Ground Level Access, Self Storage, Warehouses, Long Term, Short Term
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Workstore NZ Limited are:
Closed now
Opens in 19 Hr 10 Min
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“Saw a lady crying coz your driver drove straight past her. Felt sorry for the lady was gonna offer her a bed and a feed until I get paid so I could gas up and take her home”
Discrimination is discrimination!
“It's a sad time in the world when such hateful people abound. And yet with everything there is a silver lining. You will be out of business soon.”
Fake listing and service
“Please remove listing as it is false and misleading”
Where is it?
“Informed that it closed some years ago, but museum sign still on building. Disappointed”
Great Boutique
“I love Alexanders Boutique. My hair looks so much better after visiting her shop. Makes you feel good.”