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Woolston Community Centre
Community Services in Christchurch area
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Our address
Ferry Rd,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 389 3720
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Services offered
General Business
Expertised in Community Services
Counselling, Advocacy
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Local, Woolston, Christchurch
Additional info
Women, Individuals, All Ages, Families, Men, Children, Seniors, Groups, Adults, Social Work, Education
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Woolston Community Centre are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Residential roads not race tracks
“company sign written vehicle tailgating, dangerously overtaking and aggressive posturing... not the kind of people want to spend money with.”
“was querying the lady for a delivery in the am. got call in the pm telling not doable. I was trying to explain her understandings were not what I asked for. She insist I was wrong then hung up on me.”
“A horrible person! Verbally abused us in public when we were having a private conversation then verbally abused us for thinking we kill pet pigs. Misheard us, rude and entitled behavior. V Unstable!”
“Once again, failing to pay your bill for over a year. Over $5000 owed to a small family fun business. Seems to be a common theme. DO NOT SHOP HERE, go support the honest, local produce farmers! ”
“have just tried to install tekapo towel rail. Instructions are wrong on box, most annoying. the screwholes need to be sideways not vertical in order to fit the rail..l”