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Wholesale Cars Direct
Car and Truck Dealers Used in Lower Hutt, Wellington area
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Our address
5 Railway Avenue,
Lower Hutt
Wellington, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 224 402
0800 22 44 02
0275 60 8912
021 776 152
Our fax
No fax number yet.
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Services offered since 2013
Car and Truck Dealers Used
Expertised in Car and Truck Dealers Used
Test Drives
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City
Additional info
Utes, Minivans, 4WD, Vans, Imports, Domestic, Online Information, Walk-ins, Online Catalogue, Wholesale, Buy Sell & Trade
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Wholesale Cars Direct are:
Closed now
Opens in 1 day 1 Hr 33 Min
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“Horrible service, i dont think the staff are trained. Went for eyebrow wax, came back with one brow smaller than the other. Gave them the benefit of the doubt, went back & left with wax in my hair. ”
Nothing they can't do
“We have been using Philip and his team at PC Fix It for, I think, all the 20 years they have been in business. They have always been able to fix the most baffling of technical problems along with very courteous service. Highly recommend.”
“Have been trying to contact you by phone several times, and not getting any response to either of your numbers. 5784182 or5784192 even though these nunbers are listed on line. Would like reply. My number is 5764814. Neville Wilson.”
No stars
“This company does not hold their staff responsible for their actions and has deprived a family of hundreds of dollars and a vehicle when times are already tough. Absolutely disgusting behavior and road rage from their worker lead to him hitting the back of my car. If this is how they conduct themselves then I can imagine they would not be honest and upfront in their work dealings and I would avoid using this company.”