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Wheeler Joe BSC POD
Podiatrists in Southland Region area
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Our address
125 George St Windsor Invercargill,
Southland Region
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 217 5263
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Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Wheeler Joe BSC POD are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 39 Min
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Brendan Attril
“Talked to potential sharemilkers who applied for a job via fencepost in a way that his clients job offer would be unappealing to the applicant. Running down his client and their property as he said were "untidy and rundown" . Also very rude and inconciderate towards clients”
Tyre shop
“Great service with tyre shop. Prompt and efficient, friendly staff.”
Worsted costumer service ever.
“Worsted costumer service I have ever received, I was told when I asked for a receipt that I couldn't have one as I didn't need one. I left the shop and took my money elsewhere”
Good haircuts great service
“My Dad has been going to Adrian’s for years and wouldn’t go anywhere else . He always comes out looking smart . Very good prices and nice and quick . Thanks Adrian”