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Westech Automotive
Automotive Repairs in Whangarei, Northland area
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Our address
Robert Street,
Northland, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
09 459 6670
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Services offered
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Expertised in Automotive Repairs
Alignments, Oil Changes, Balancing, Tune-ups, Maintenance, Repairs, Diagnostics
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Whangarei, Whangarei Area
Additional info
Cars, Trucks, 4WD, Vans, 4WD
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Westech Automotive are:
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Opens in 0 Hr 56 Min
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“Shipped an EquiBalance to Germany nearly 10 years ago. Fantastic trailer for warmbloods. Loaded immediately and traveled beautifully. No previous "training". Arrive fresh after 4+ hours.”
“I'm the owner of A1 ... Those customers that noticed one star for not cleaning up after my self what lie's. I never leave a mess, I only leave it if the owner tells me to leave it that there happy to clean up. I try my hardest and give 100 percent to my customers.”
“Constant stream of misleading promises....3 weeks and still waiting for a delivery from Auckland to Napier ....use someone else they are useless”
Crappy service
“make sure your drivers don’t get on the juice before working”