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Wendy's Boutique
Women's Fashions in Tauranga area
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Our address
Eleventh Ave,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 578 2867
0274 493293
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Our website
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Services offered since 1984
No services selected yet.
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Tauranga South, Tauranga Area
Payment options
MasterCard, Diner's Club, EFTPOS, Gift Vouchers, Travellers Cheques, Cash, American Express, VISA
Additional info
Formal, Casual, Business, Tops, Shoes, Footwear, Dresses, Boots, Belts, Bags, Accessories
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Wendy's Boutique are:
Closed now
Opens in 12 Hr 50 Min
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“Had my carpets steam cleaned what a mess they where here 35 minutes and when the carpet dried it had more marks than beforehand the steam only pushed the dirt to top”
“Belligerent and arrogant. Uncooperative with residents. If their service is anything like the way they treat the general public they are lucky to still be in business”
“Shoddy workmanship. Everything breaks 6mths + after job. Leaves work area dirty, other items broken, terrible attitude.”
Rowyn from Whangarei Mobile Locksmiths
“Browyn was so unhelpful, didn't listen, wouldn't let me speak to a locksmith and offered no soultions, Rude. CRAP service.”