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Waterblasting Services
Plumbers in Invercargill area
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New Zealand
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03 213 0478
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Services offered
Drainage, Plumbers, Water Blasting Services
Expertised in Plumbers
Drainlaying, Maintenance, Installation, Repairs
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Otatara, Invercargill Area
Additional info
Commercial, Hot Water Heaters, Showers, Toilets, Dishwashers, Sinks
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Waterblasting Services are:
Closed now
Opens in 11 Hr 11 Min
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Verybad dishonest company
“As a tenant they had found a damage to side of a bedroom window which we never caused but because I had not taken photograph before moving in I had no evidence other than my word which they obviously were able to deduct from our bond when we left the property. They were also racist and assumed I was samoan when I'm not. Hate to say but if this company still exists I hope they burn down as it was the worst treatme t I've ever experienced.”
Shopping from California
“Great site - will be ordering for birthdays and Christmas to my NZ family! I'll be back!”
Highly recommended
“Could not be happier with the tiling we had done. The workmanship and quality cannot be faulted. Communication about timing and how long job would take was also spot on”
Kauri table restoration
“Prompt efficient service. Excellent restoration work.”