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Wakatipu Psychology
Psychology in New Zealand area
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Our address
New Zealand
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
03 442 4651
021 26 44 008
Our fax
03 442 4652
Our website
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Services offered since 1985
Counselling Services, Psychology
Expertised in Psychology
Counselling, Assessments
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Queenstown, Queenstown Area
Payment options
Cash, Personal Cheques, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking)
Additional info
Youth, Couples, Adults
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Wakatipu Psychology are:
Open Now
Today: 07:00pm-09:00pm
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“Did great work, in quick time, and made our garden look great. Will hire again and would recommend.”
Sponsor for Art
“Much appreciation for Callahan Transport being the sponsor of the 'peoples choice' award for 2022 Edge of the World art exhibition.”
“No one attends the store, No coin machine, Had to call their contact number just to be told to go to the bakery store to get coins but the store was closed was told that someone will arrive in twenty minutes and I'm still waiting for someone to change my money for coins”
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