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Waikato Plumbing Services
Drainage in Hamilton, Waikato area
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Our address
255 Bankwood Road,
Waikato, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 855 0001
027 292 6951
Our fax
07 855 8800
Our website
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Services offered
Expertised in Drainage
Drainlaying, Drain Cleaning
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Coromandel, Taumarunui, Te Awamutu, Cambridge, Matamata, Raglan, Thames, Hamilton
Additional info
Bathrooms, Pumps, Pressure Tanks, Pipelines, Liquid Drain Traps, Gutters, Drains, Drain Cleaners
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Waikato Plumbing Services are:
Open Now
Today: 09:00am-05:00pm
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Used Euro Electrical for 15 years,
“Florian and Jarred of Euro also service ivens and fridges, install heat transfer ducting as well as all things electrical. As well as professional services l used him for my own residence. Highly recommended.”
“So disappointed in this service. I have John cash by the hour for the job upfront and left for an errand. As I left I noticed he was sitting on our balcony eating. The floor was unvacuumed, & dusty. ”
2 y old freezer & runs as warm as 4 deg
“Poor service from Honar, sold the product and dont back it up with service. They send the local refrigeration contract to fix it and then start a blame game”