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Waikato Crane Services Limited
Transport Operators in Hamilton, Waikato area
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Our address
86 Sunshine Avenue,
Waikato, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
07 849 3846
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This is what customers say about Waikato Crane Services Limited
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Excellent service
“Prompt and extremely helpful.Would go back anytime.”
Beautiful bathrooms
“Jenny designed for us absolutely beautiful, timeless bathrooms . Everyone who visits are so complementary. She was also lovely to work with”
Bunch of idiots
“They don’t know the law. My partners car was seized by these people due to a failed relationship I didn’t own my car but my ex put it under collateral without my knowledge and after a breakup. Treanne holdings one took my car without letting me know. They took it while I was at work . I had car seat, money and plenty of other things that were left in my car. 2 they took my car for collateral purposes and did not check that it was under finance with some body else as no communication. Shit pe”
“Terrible service from an extremely rude man who tried to rip us off by taking us the long way home and who didn’t like being challenged about it. Will ever use again.”