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Vasan Nina
Dentists in Auckland area
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Meadowbank Road & Saint Johns Road, 9,
North Island,
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09 521 9003
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Open Now
: 09:00am-05:00pm
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“Terrible just done nowhere near even and very rude and abrupt to deal with”
Pedicure with spa
“Very disappointed. I paid $48 and they not doing anything. Even I said look at the other staff how she was doing. And the guy he not responded good. Even tehy not doing proper massage. Waste my money. Staff also very rude. They not even concentrate what we are saying. My friend she paid $108 medicure and pedicure with massage. She is also disappointed.”
“I am 45 years old and had counciling when i was 13 with Helen. I have never forgot and will alwasys be thankful for the healing. A++++++Recommendation ”
Not good with children
“Admin was rude, yelled at my kids ended up walking out without seeing dentist.”