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Van Dyks Mega Store
Furniture and Furnishings in Putaruru, Waikato area
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Our address
1-7 Main Street,
Waikato, South Waikato, North Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 999 606
Our fax
07 883 7307
Our website
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Services offered
Beds and Bedding, Furniture and Furnishings
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Putaruru Area
Payment options
MasterCard, Cash, Personal Cheques, Financing Available, Credit Terms Available, Direct Debit, Direct Credit (Internet banking, phone banking), Gift Vou
Additional info
Contemporary, Chairs, Dressers, Coffee Tables, Armchairs, Tables, Display Cases, Dining Furniture, Sofas, Beds, Desks, Bookcases, Cabinets, Dining Rooms, Bedrooms
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Van Dyks Mega Store are:
Closed now
Opens in 12 Hr 15 Min
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“I have been paying 20 a week for the last 4 years to pay off a 300dollar debt I accidently got myself into. Have tried to make contact with someone to see how much I have left to owe and no reply no nothing. I have no money because 40 keeps getting taken out of my acc I've got no money now”
“Ugly company who will not answer direct questions posed to them after querying their conduct on my loan. All of a sudden started replying once it turned into a legal matter. ”
Great service - came to the rescue
“I deleted photos from SD card accidentally and and Chris was able to recover all of them. Photos were from a trip to the Garden Festival and not easily replaced. Highly recommend Chris at Xympl”