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Total Mower Services HB Limited
Lawnmowers in Napier area
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Our address
2 Gloucester St,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
06 844 2418
Our fax
06 8442397
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Services offered since 2013
Chainsaws and Brush Cutters, Heaters, Lawnmowers, Mobility Scooters and Wheelchairs
Expertised in Lawnmowers
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Greenmeadows, Napier Area
Payment options
Cash, Financing Available, EFTPOS
Additional info
Hedge Trimmers, Brushcutters, Mulchers, Chippers, Saws, Grass Trimmers, Blowers, Chain Saws, Edgers, Trimmers, Residential, Commercial, Push, Riding
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Total Mower Services HB Limited are:
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This is what customers say about Total Mower Services HB Limited
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Very thorough and hard working cleaners
“I have used them for one off cleaning and they are very thorough and the cost is very reasonable too”
“Jason has been outstanding to work with, he streamed my nanas funeral to numerous people online and videoed also. He was more than helpful and respectful all round. Highly recommend”
“sorted me out ,my neck and back were in a terrible mess ,deep massage etc would go back again if in trouble”
“Glad i found this website, i can talk about how great this man is! I cannot contain my monster in my pants due to this good man”
Not good and I have advised
“Have raised concerns with co owner. Interaction very challenging.I believe that I may also been over charged. I paid $102 for a back massage plus lash and brow tint only . I understand a back massage is $55 so was charged another $47 for lash and brow tint which is a lot I think as brow at brow bar only $15. Sarah mobile 0274373959”