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Toshiba Heat Pumps
Air Conditioning in Christchurch, Canterbury area
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Our address
190 Quinns Road,
Canterbury, South Island,
New Zealand
Our phone(s)
0800 773 399
09 355 6720
Our fax
09 355 6735
Our website
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Services offered since 2013
Heat Pumps
Areas serviced
we are providing services in Wanganui, Ohakune, Waiouru, Raetihi, Okoia, Hunterville, Taihape, Mangaweka, Waverley, Marton, Marton Area
Additional info
Heating Systems, Cooling Systems, Air Conditioning, Air Cleaners, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Heatpumps, Heat Pumps, Climatrol, Allergy Filters, Air Pumps, Air Movers, Air Conduction Heaters, Remote Control, Ozone Friendly, Energy Efficient, Climate Controlled, Toshiba
Availability/ Opening hours
The shopping hours and days of the business Toshiba Heat Pumps are:
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Awesome service
“We have been fortunate to have had such a wonderful honest lawyer who has worked for a few members of our family. Thank you Tony for doing such a thorough job.”
“Consistently good hairdressing, reasonably priced and cheerful, with a Scottish accent. She's good!”
Excellent floor sander
“A top notch job with extensive knowledge of woodworking”
“It’s free and you get the quality you pay for! Admin is rude and unhelpful. Dentists are bad with kids: they will traumatize yours so they can process as many as possible! Terrible people. Stay away!”
“Why not ask your business partners to contribute to the planned community facility?”